Happy Chinese New Year! Well, we officially ended our unit on China last night. We had friends over and we ate lots of Chinese food! My friend made most of the food, I only made pot stickers (which took 2 hours to cook-I made so many!) and carrot cake (I know it's not Chinese but it's yummy). We had egg rolls, ramon noodles, fried rice, beef and broccoli, rice and pot stickers. The kids each had a plate with a little of everything on it. They all tried but all didn't like the food. The kids each presented what they did (project), for china, to the group. Ladybug built the Great Wall of China out of sand. Jitter Bug did a book, All About Chinese Animals. Lightning Bug did sequencing cards on silkworms. Stink Bug built the Great Wall out of legos but right before the friends came Wheel Bug played with it and built his own creation (and I didn't get a picture of it first!). Everyone had a great time. We are looking forward to Spain in Februrary! Linz
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Chinese New Year
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Lucky Chinese Fish
This morning the kids participated in an activity at the library all about the Chinese New Year. They listened to a story and then a women that was from China spoke to the children. She told them that the first writing were carvings and then later on came paper. She taught them how to write in Chinese and say hello and bye bye. After she was finished speaking the kids made a lucky fish to hang in our home. June Bug was a great help. He was volunteering this morning for a few hours. The lady in charge of the program said, "I really couldn't have done it without him, he's great." We are always so proud of him!
Luck Chinese Fish directions:
Draw an outline of a fish on construction paper. Cut out the center of the fish. Take a sheet of contact paper and put the fish on top of it (so that the fish is stuck to the paper). Tear pieces of colored tissue paper and put them in the center of the fish. When the center is completely covered put another piece of contact paper over the fish. Cut out your fish, punch a hole at the top and put yarn through it to hang.
What a great way to end our month on China! On Tuesday we are having friends over to make Pot Stickers and that will officially end our study!
Symphony Orchestra
Today we took the kids to see our local symphony orchestra that was having a concert just for kids. When we got there (we were there an hour early cause being a big family I wanted to make sure we would get seats together) the kids got to try out all different kinds of instruments. June Bug was told each time he tried an instrument that he was a natural (of course we already know this :) )! They then got their faces painted. We found a great place to sit and we got to watch the orchestra practice. Lightning Bug picked out a violin (which was her favorite instrument that she had just tried) and was very excited to see it.
The orchestra was celebrating Mozart's birthday. They had a storyteller, dressed up like Mozart, and he spoke before each piece. He was very entertaining and had the kids laughing! The kids did very well. I was afraid Jitter Bug and Wheel Bug might have a hard time sitting still. Jitter Bug did great-he never talked but he did laugh at the storyteller, smile and was serious watching the orchestra. Wheel Bug unfortunately only sat still for 30 minutes. he wanted to put his feet on the seat in front of him---there was someone sitting there so that didn't work. Dad explained that he couldn't and he cried. Dad and Wheel Bug left to go sit in the car.
The orchestra played:
Overture to "The Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart (one of my favorites)
Raiders March by John Williams
Violin concerto No.3 by Mozart (one of my favorites of his)
Harry Potter Symphonic Suite by Williams/Brubaker
Symphany No.40 by Mozart (ok another one of my favorites)
Superman Theme by Williams/Rothrock
It was wonderful! I had tears in my eyes and chills all over 10 seconds into the first one! In fact I cried during 3 of them--not sobbing just tears streaming out of my eyes. At the end we all sang Happy Birthday to Mozart. The whole thing only lasted one hour ten minutes and it only cost us $20.
When we got in the car the kids sang out, "Thank you Mom and Dad, we loved it!"
What a great feeling.
I hope your weekend is as magical as ours.
Friday, January 27, 2006
June Bug and Wheel Bug
What a good big brother!
June Bug sat with Wheel Bug on the floor with the Baby Einstein Animal Discovery Cards and asked him what each animal was. It was so sweet! Wheel Bug knew almost all the animals. Wheel Bug has some favorites(but he loves all animals); Dogs, Elephants, Giraffes and Dolphins. June Bug is such a great example to his brothers and sisters--we are so proud of him!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Word Wall #2
Lightning Bug's new words:
This morning she had her brother, Jitter Bug, over at the word wall and this is what I heard--
"Look.....I was a mom!!! Isn't that funny? If I had little up here I could say, I was a little fox! HA HA HA!"
They both thought that was pretty funny. I was so happy because she used her word wall to make a sentence! I'll post her next words as she learns them.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Typical Day
I thought I would post what a typical day at our house is like....so here it goes.
The alarm went off at 6:45 this morning. My hubby and I got ready for the day. While we were getting ready our 2yr.,Wheel Bug, woke up(most nights he sleeps with us). His first words were, (these are always his first words---although one morning he saw his dad and said "Dad, I love Mom" isn't that sweet :)) "Where's Dad?" Right after he said that our 7yr. son, Stink Bug, walked in climbed up on the bed gave his brother a kiss and said good morning. Almost immediately after him came our 4yr. son, Jitter Bug, he got Stink Bug and off they went to play. Wheel Bug then walked off saying "Where's my bear?" which really is his sister's, Ladybug. He went right in and woke her up by taking her bear. Of course she didn't mind, she adores him. I put my first load of laundry in and we ate breakfast while Dad finished up on some dishes that did not make it in the dishwasher last night. June Bug started his chores by unloading the dishwasher and taking out all the trash in the house. By 8:45 everyone was dressed, teeth brushed, had eaten breakfast, some chores done, kitchen cleaned up from breakfast, June Bug had started working on his math, and others off playing. My hubby and I were at the table talking and then he left for work (he is a Mortgage Broker) at 9:15. Most days we are done with everything earlier but that's how today started.
We started "school" at 9:20. We start off with a song, prayer and a scripture (oh and usually the pledge). I then finished reading a book, Beethoven Lives Upstairs, that we had started over the weekend. We then continued with Beethoven by taking turns reading in a book called, Getting to Know The World's Greatest Composers Ludwig Van Beethoven by Mike Venezia. After that we went on to read about Alaska and reviewed what we had learned last week.
Next, (time is now 10:15) we reviewed our history, we use The Story Of The World. Then my older three took a test on the last chapter. While they were busy I began to go over Lightning Bug's words with her.
During all this Wheel Bug is off playing with his Mega Blocks and guys. Jitter Bug could not get along with others at the table (mind you he always wants to do school work---I'm not forcing him to sit at the table with us!) and was being distracting so I sent him to his room to play. He was not happy with that and soon joined us promising to leave his older brothers alone.
Lightning Bug and I worked for a little while on her words until she was getting frustrated and went to her room to have some quiet time. Some of the big kids were done so they began their math. Lightning Bug came back after about 5 or 6 minutes. She was a totally different girl. She sat down at her seat and said "Okay I'm ready!" She went through her words really fast, then she and I went to another room to play a phonics board game called Max's Attic. Jitter Bug came and joined us--we had a fun time. Today I did not do any math with Lightning Bug or June Bug but I always do.
The time is now 11:00 and all the older kids are working hard on their math and the three younger kids are all coloring an insect page. I walk around helping and answering math questions. When the older kids are done some write thank you notes for Christmas gifts, some work in their handwriting books and another put together a puzzle of a jumbled scripture verse.
At 12:00 we eat lunch. Wheel Bug ate a hot dog (I know it's not the healthiest), a bowl of fruit cut up, nummy brotti (as he calls it) with a little ranch and a some animal crackers. Jitter Bug ate a pb&j sandwich and a cookie (he never eats much). Lightning Bug had a pb&j sandwich too with some crackers. Stink Bug had a burrito and some crackers. Ladybug and June Bug ate leftovers from supper last night, chicken and noodles.
Wheel bug then went to my room to lay down for a nap and the kids played with each other until 1:00, also June Bug went upstairs to get a load of laundry to wash. At 1:00 the kids went upstairs for reading time. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Ladybug reads to Lightning Bug and June Bug reads to Jitter Bug for 15 minutes. On Tuesday and Thursday they switch Lightning Bug goes with June Bug and Jitter Bug with Ladybug. After they finish their 15 minutes the older child goes to their bed and reads for 45 minutes and the younger children play quietly on their own beds. Stink Bug reads by himself for the full hour. They (the 3 older ones) usually read a book off their classic list.
Today the kids read until 2:15 and then came downstairs and everyone read with me til 2:40.
At that time we started our chores. Jitter Bug, Lightning Bug and Stink Bug have to tidy up the main floor. By that I mean they pick up any trash, shoes, toys and so on. If the item does not belong downstairs the kids put it in a basket on the stairs for that room. Jitter Bug also feeds our fish and sets the table each day. Lightning Bug washes the windows Mon, Wed & Fri. and clears the table each night. Stink Bug vacuums the main floor Mon, Wed. & FR. and on Tue. and Thurs he sweeps all hard floors. Ladybug sweeps and cleans the main floor bathroom Mon, Wed & Fri, she also vacuums the main floor Tues. and Thurs. June Bug unloads the dishwasher, takes out trash and recyclables every day. He also cleans the kids bathroom Mon, Wed and Fri. On Friday he also vacuums the stairs. While they do their chores I do mine.
We finished chores by 3:30 and everyone went off to play(it's raining today so we can't jump on the tramp) and I did another load of laundry.
Supper was started at 4:45. Tuesday night is June Bug's night to be the kitchen helper, Ladybug on Wed, and Stink Bug on Thurs. On their night they help cook. It can be making batter buns, making rice, chopping veggies ect.. They love helping! We ate at 5:20 and were cleaned up by 6:00.
Tonight was Family Night. We usually have a lesson, an activity or game and refreshments. Everyone has a job. Tonight was Dad's turn to do the lesson. He talked about how we should obey our Heavenly Father and always choose the right. It was great and even the little ones had some ideas to share. Jitter Bug made oreo pudding (with help of course :)) for our refreshments. It was a great hit.
June Bug volunteers at the library and tonight he had a meeting to prepare for an activity they are doing for the kids on Saturday. So off we went to the library (time is now 6:50)! The kids had a good time. We came out with our bags full--like always!
At 8:40 we were back home and the kids went straight to bed. How nice!
So that was a typical day at our house. We usually do more hands on activities and lately we been doing school work til the late afternoon--that wasn't what happened today but it was a nice day!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Chinese Lanterns
This month for our "Passport Club" we are studying China. The kids have painted with Chinese Brushes, cooked Chinese food, learned about the country (climate, food, government, religion, everyday life, holidays and animals), and just recently we made lanterns. Tomorrow the younger three will be making their own tangrams at a friends house. At our house my older three plus two friends will be making a Celtic Double-Headed War Axe! FUN! Here is a picture of our Chinese lanterns.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Stink Bug
This week is going by fast! We did not do official sit down "school" on Monday cause Dad had the day off. The four older kids went to their cousins house to play for a few hours and then we had a friend over in the afternoon. Tuesday, I realized that Stink Bug needs one on one time to do his math. He finished his second third grade math book since September, so I bought him a fourth grade book and it's a little harder. After we came home from the library I sent the other kids into their rooms for reading time and sat with Stink Bug to work on his math. He did much better! He understood it----it just took me sitting there, uninterrupted, explaining it to him. Lightning Bug is getting farther in math and requires a little more attention also, so usually I'm teaching them both at the same time. I think teaching him math later in the day will work for now.
Stink Bug and Ladybug had their Homeschool Book Club today at the library. They read Viking It And Liking It. After they discussed the book they made viking helmets. They had a great time.
I'm off to read to the kids and then bed.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Bug Names
For any of you out there that wonder why my kids have bug names I thought I would tell you how they got them. My mom is an awesome lady! My mom is one of those people that believes you should always keep learning. Whether it's a sewing class, real estate class or your studying to get your PHD (she's on her way to get her 2nd!) she believes you can't learn enough. Anyway, she teaches Biology at a high school. She has a masters in Biology (her PHD or Ed D is for Education Administration and Leadership----she's out to change the system for the better!!!) and she loves bugs! All kinds...SNAKES, frogs you name it she loves it all! When my kids were born she decided to give them bug names. My mom calls them by their bug name and my kids collect everything that has their bug on it. She even matched their names perfectly with each kid. My mom does this year long project with her students where they collect bugs, label them and put them in a shadow box. My kids, even though we live a few hours apart, collect bugs for her all year.
Anyway, that is why they go by bugs. We love you, Mom!
We wrapped up our unit of Alabama today! The kids each made a fact card for the state. On Stink Bug's card he wrote Alabama, at the top, and drew a small outline of the country. He put on a star sticker and wrote Montgomery, for the capital. He drew a picture of a bird and wrote Yellowhammer next to it, for the state bird. He wrote statehood 12/14/1819. He wrote 22nd state. He wrote it has 3 major rivers. He also drew their state flag. He put that in a zip lock bag facing out so that you can read his card. Also, he put three pieces of blue yarn and one long piece of orange yarn. On index cards ,that were cut in half, he wrote the name of the 4 states that touch Alabama. On a really small index card he put a star sticker and wrote Montgomery.
The kids all went into our living room and opened their bags. They made the shape of Alabama with their orange yarn. They put out the blue pieces of yarn inside their state where you would find; The Tombigbee, Mobile and Alabama Rivers. They put their capital card where the capital goes and labeled (only my 3 big kids did this part) the bordering states.
When we were all finished we looked at everyone else's state shape (because the 4yr's was not like any one else's :) and that's ok, I'm just happy he wants to participate!). Then we did a quick review. Over the last week and a half we have labeled a map, talked about the history of the state all the way back to the French and Indian war up to now, we have talked about what kind of animals live there, their climate and, what they grow. Tomorrow is our fun day to do art and any projects that we have not finished so we will be making Caramel Pecan Turtles (because pecans are one of Alabama's most important crops). Now we are on to Alaska.....I see salmon in my future! Yum!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
The Learning Calendar
We just started the Story of the World (Vol. 2 The Middle Ages) this week. We are talking about the fall of Rome. The kids love it! We studied Ancient Rome last year and had a blast. Tuesday we made our Roman Army and last night we ate like the Romans. It's was just a foil dinner with ground beef, potatoes, carrots and onions. It went over really well with kids (Dad wanted to use a fork-but he wasn't permitted :) )!
We also use The Learning Calendar each day. My kids really enjoy looking up what happened in history on this day.
Today was our art day and we talked a little about Kandinsky. We went to this site here and did an activity online. We took objects from around the house (like a shoe, a key & a ruler) and traced them with a crayon onto white paper. We then took watercolors and painted over the entire paper. The crayon resisted the paint. The kids really had a good time! I'm off to watch the kids jump on the trampoline.
Word wall
Lightning Bug comments frequently that she really wishes she could read. I usually say, won't that be great! I play phonics games with her and we read her starfall books. But, I haven't taken the time to really work with her. I know each kid is different--my older three learned to read by themselves and were reading very well by age 5. Lightning Bug just turned 6 in November and can only read a handful of words. We are going to really focus now on helping her read. We put up a "word wall" (a large piece of blue poster paper) today on the wall near our kitchen table. That way everyone can see what she can read and she will be able to review often. She loves it and so does Dad! We put up only a few today, we'll add more each day.
Book Mobile
We have a list of classic books that the kids choose from to read then they do a "book report" on it. June Bug chose The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White. He made a book mobile for his report. At the very top he put his name. In the center of the hanger he put the title and author.
On the left he put the word Plot. Under the word plot he put what happened in the beginning of the book. He wrote; Louis is born without a voice. So his father steals a trumpet for him so Louis can sound like a normal swan. Hanging from that cloud he drew a picture of the middle of the book and on the back wrote; Louis plays in different places and earns lots of money-with the help of Sam-to pay the debt for the stolen trumpet. Hanging from that cloud he drew a picture of the end of the book and wrote; Louis gives his father the money to repay the music store and also wins the love of another swan.
Hanging from the middle of the hanger is a cloud that says Setting. On the back he wrote; this book takes place in Montana, Canada and Boston.
Hanging from right of the hanger he wrote the word Character on a cloud. Hanging from the left side of that cloud there is a picture of a swan and it's name, Louis, on the back. Hanging from the right side of that same cloud is a picture of a boy and his name, Sam, on the back. Hanging from both of them is an item that goes with each one. For the swan, a trumpet and for Sam, a notebook and pencil.

Friday, January 06, 2006
Friday- Art Day
Today was art day. We talked about Jackson Pollock and looked at one of his murals online, then we made our own. It was raining at our house this morning so we did ours inside. We used tempera paint with a little cornstarch and punched holes in paper cups. We tried standing up and dripping on our paper, we tried holding the cup close to the paper, we went fast and slow. The kids had lots of fun! Of course Ladybug painted a ladybug!
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Kids Hard at Work
What a good boy! Wheel bug played with his Aquadoodle while everyone else worked hard in the other room!
The kids got back to their school work today after our Christmas break. I thought after taking such a long break it would be hard for them to get back into our routine. I was wrong--they didn't seem to have any problem and we got a lot done! We started our unit on the 50 states (more to come on that) today. We are going in alphabetic order so we are starting with Alabama. Ladybug was very excited-she loves to be quizzed on the state capitals! Here is a picture of them hard at work......notice Rose the teddy bear watching Ladybug work!
Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy New Year
I have been thinking about starting a Blog for a while and my sister gave me the final push. She wants to see what the kids are doing and she thinks that we can help others on their quest to better their kids lives by educating them at home. Thanks, J! I love having my kids home with me! I'm not saying that everyday the kids get along, that all our school work gets done and that dinner is always on time. But, everyday is an adventure and everyday I am thankful that we live in a place that we can educate our children at home.