Friday, June 30, 2006

Ladybug is 9!

Ladybug turned 9 yesterday! We had friends over to "party" and have cake. I am still not feeling great since my kidney stones, so we could not go to the movies and see Cars like she wanted to (we'll go Saturday). Ladybug had lots of fun! She wanted her own cake so that she could put her face in it. Next time if one of my kids wants to do that I will put cool whip on top instead of frosting (Ladybug had a reaction to the frosting around her eyes and we had to give her Benadryl).

Monday, June 26, 2006

Medieval Times

Saturday we took the kids to see the Society for Creative Anachronism demonstrate Medieval ways. We made a sword, a hat, a book and a leather necklace. We learned how to bow and how to hold a sword. We watched them fight and use their bows and arrows. It was a lot of fun and it was good to see and touch everything. We are learning about this time period in history so this was the perfect time to do this! After we left we took the kids over to a game store so that the boys could compete in a Super Smash Brothers competition. They did great and it was fun to watch!

Kidney Stones--Again?!

Yes-I got them again! This time it was my right side. Hubby took me to the hospital Sunday 1:00 am and I was released 9:oo pm. What a day! My parents drove in to see me and to help with the kids. My sister-in-law helped and so did one of our good friends. Hopefully I'm done with kidney stones! The good news is that the baby is doing great-- 1lb. 9oz so far!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Swimming With Friends

Today I took the kids to the Outer Banks to go visit friends that were vacationing there. We got there at noon and stayed til 5:30. June Bug kept us all happy in the car with a trivia game. I thought the kids would be soooo happy to play at the beach with our good friends but all they wanted to do was swim in the pool. So thats what we did the whole time (except the hour and a half we spent at the ocean). They really had a good time swimming. Lightning Bug has been practicing swimming at our pool but today it really clicked! That is all she did--swim! She was fun to watch. All I heard when we were swimming was "MOM, watch MEEE!" I got dizzy spinning around so much to watch all my children all over the pool-I loved it! After we got home Wheel Bug helped me unload all the shells, he and the kids had collected, into our flower bed (we have a collection going on--2yrs now). The kids showered and were in bed by 9:30. I am so thankful that I can be with my children everyday and for all those "look at meeees!" I hope they never stop saying that!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Family Under The Bridge

Today we were back at the library for another activity! Ladybug, Stink Bug and Lightning Bug belong to a Homeschool Book Club and today was the end of the year party. June Bug helped out and came up with a few games. Each game was based on a book that they have read throughout the year. June Bug made a game for the Family Under The Bridge by Natalie Carlson. He made sock puppets, for each of the characters, and put them over bowling pins. The kids had to knock down the family under the bridge. I was told by the book club leader that the bowling game was a big hit at the party. I was (always) proud of him! Thursday we are heading to the Outer Banks to go visit friends-FUN!

More Fire Safety Pictures

Fire Safety

Tuesday we went on a field trip to the Fire Training Center. We went with 17 other kids, which we split into groups-under9 and over9. They (the younger- group which are 5-7yrs except Wheel Bug who is 2) watched a video on fire safety, that Jitter Bug has been reciting since ("Get Out And Stay Out"). They learned that if there is smoke that they should crawl to get out of the house. They practiced this by crawling under a blanket/smoke. They talked with a fireman and watched him put on his equipment. At one point the instuctor asked the kids to name something that was hot and Wheel Bug yelled out right away, "Sand, sand is hot!" They practiced Stop, Drop and Roll. Jitter Bug went first and needed assistance. Wheel Bug went next and needed NO help--he was so cute and made us laugh! They went outside and saw a firetruck. They learned about the equipment it carries and then they got to get in the truck (Wheel Bug went first-I was not suprised). The older kids sat in a class room (with no hands on activities) for two hours. At the end they took a test, June Bug and Ladybug did not get one wrong--way to go! When they were done we met the older group to see a Monster Firetruck. We were there for two hours and they all did so well--even Wheel Bug!
After we were done at the training center we went home for lunch and much needed rest then it was off to the library. The three older kids took a class called, When I Was A Roman Soldier. They each got a Roman Soldier name, made catapults and received a real Roman coin over 1500 years old. Thats all I could get out of them--they were in there for 2 hours so I know they did more :)! We left the library at 4:00 and headed to the pool. Dad met us there and we stayed til 7:00 when the pool closed. We ate supper at MC (the kids each got a coupon for a free meal for signing up for the summer reading program at the library). We got home at 8:15. The kids went right to sleep when their heads hit their pillows (so did mine)!! It was a great day!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Monday was a very busy, productive day. Hubby got his Father's Day breakfast (we had friends stay over the weekend so we waited til Mon. to do it), we (actually it was me who made it-I couldn't get the kids out of bed!) made him blueberry muffins. He went off to work at 8:30 and our day took off fom there. We had a little friend stay with us for the day (Lightning Bug was sooo happy). The three older kids started their math and did their activity on the calendar. I read to Wheel Bug and did puzzles with him to keep him out of the other kids way. He gave me a puzzle and told me to do that one and he would do another one. At one point he looked at me and said "Mom, you are doing a good job!" I loved that! I thought we must be doing this whole parenting thing right if he can take time to compliment mom on her puzzle skills! We have been setting a good example by complimenting/cheering on each other and the kids. While the kids all worked and some played I got laundry done, cleaned up from making muffins, started the first part of supper, looked over school papers and more! After lunch we went to the library for an activity that the three older kids were doing called Science with Origami. They made a frog, shot cool airplanes at targets all over the room (some up in the air) and othe cool stuff. They had a great time! I read to Lightning and Jitter Bug while wheel Bug slept. When we came home June Bug and Ladybug made a pound cake while I prepared supper. At some point during the day the kids were outside playing and found two baby bird eggs that have fallen out of it's nest (so sad). Ladybug is researching to find out what type of egg it is. Daddy came home around 6pm and then we ate. After supper the kids played outside til 9pm. We had such a great day!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Out Popped A Tree Frog!

Hubby and I were opening the umbrella outside, so the kids could have shade while playing at the table, when out popped a tree frog! No one screamed (usually Ladybug and I do), they all wanted to touch and see the frog! Everyone (except June Bug who was saying it's just a frog--okay I said touch him, he said NO!) wetted their hands and all the kids touched him. Everyone laughed at how he felt when they touched him. The frog was so calm! Daddy scooped up the frog in the kids bug net and put him in the tree. Everyone cheered as he hopped onto the branch! I love that they find such joy in a tree frog!


My wonderful husband built me a great vegetable garden--something I've always wanted! It has been raining for the last week and a half almost constantly, so after 2 full days of sun we started planting. The kids all helped and loved it (especially the girls)! We planted tomatoes, dill, broom corn, carrots, brussel sprouts (our favorite!), onoins and lavender. The kids are already talking about what we can plant next year! Linz

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


After having such a busy weekend with family visiting, we did really well getting back into our routine. The kids got their chores done and were sitting at the table by 9:30. Lightning and Jitter Bug got to work on their summer calendar while the other three worked on math. When Stink Bug finished his math he read a book all about sharks and then wrote a paragraph about what he read. Ladybug did her math then read a Franny K Stein book and wrote about it. Wheel Bug saw Lightning Bug working on flash cards with me he wanted to do some as well--Dad and him worked on them after she was done (see picture). Ladybug and June Bug worked on the states and capitols flash cards. We have a basket full of small challenging puzzles, church story books, fact cards, flash cards and lace up cards to keep the kids busy when they finish their work and waiting for Mom to get to them. There is a picture below of Jitter Bug keeping busy. We got a ton of reading done and then played some. It was a great day for school! We will be workig til 10am this entire month, then next month we will be working til the second week of July and then we will take a few weeks off. In August we will do light work the first week then take off the rest of the month. Well, I'm off to go play with Wheel Bug outside.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

June Bug's Birthday

Yesterday was June Bug's 12th birthday! We had a full day! We picked up a friend of his at 11:00 am and went to the pool then at 3:00 we left the pool and went to ride the Go Karts! This is only June Bug's second time riding them (the first time was more than a year ago) amd he loved it! After dropping his friend back at his house we took Ladybug to her last soccer practice. When practice was over we went to a great pizza shop for her team party. After she received her trophy we left to go home to have cake, ice cream and gifts. June Bug got a hermit crab (and more) from Mom and Dad---something he has wanted for a long time. He went to bed with 12 birthday spanks and a small pinch (he grows to fast already--grin)! He is a great son I am so glad he's ours!
See that picture of Dad? He could not stop laughing at the littlt kids racing!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006