Well, we got done with our first full week of school! Boy am I tired!! Monday we focused on music and went to the library. On Tuseday we did math. Stink Bug worked on division, Ladybug did fractions, Lightning Bug did word problems (her first time reading them on her own:)), June Bug did his Saxon math and Jitter Bug practiced writing his numbers and doing simple addition. We went over where we had left off in history last year (next week we will start our first chapter of history). We wrote with quill pens and talked about how the monks made paper. We read more of Redwall and then had lunch. The kids then played outside while I prepard for science class (aka Young Einstein Club). The kids then switched off going to writing and science class. We finished the day at 4:00. We then went to our friends house (who teaches the writing class) to let the kids play and the moms chat about how the classes went.
Wednesday we did math, read a book on George Washington and each child took a turn writing an interesting fact about him and put it on our poster. Each kid worked on their science and writing homework. We also read Redwall. In the afternoon friends took me to a place called Super Suppers and made me six dinners to put in the freezer for when I have the baby! We had lots of fun!
June Bug (if you were wondering what he was doing all this time) was off on his own doing his own work (more to come).
Thursday we did math then each kid did their science, writing, and read on their own about Washington and added more facts to the poster. We also read Redwall. Lightning Bug and I went over more words for her word wall--she's doing great! Jitter Bug also drew a weather mural.
Friday we would normally do lighter school work and focus on an artist and do some sort of project but not this week. June Bug was supposed to have had his report done on Rembrant to kick off our artist and project but, with his new schedule he had not quite figured out how to manage his time with the amount of work he had. That was okay (this time), we just did what we had been doing all week-except we finished a little early. June Bug then went off with our homeschool group. He had a writing class, a timeline class (they are making a timeline from the begining of time to now that includes famous people and things that are impotant to them) and a study skills/time management/ memorization/how to read a book class. He really needs that class and I was proud of him when he chose to take it.
Each day we finished by noon, had lunch and the kids played outside. We also read a lot (not just Redwall-which is sooo good), together and on their own. We also had soccer three days this week and had friends play over two days (not including science class).
What a busy week we have had. Everything went well. We had some meltdowns but for the most part everyone did great. I hope we can keep a very similar pace when the baby comes!