We have not quite gotten back into our routine yet. I was planning on getting back into our "real" school work (sitting down at the table school work) on Monday but the boys got poison ivy. Yeah I know that does not sound like a big deal but it is spreading throughout the house. First June Bug got it then passed it to Stink Bug then on to Daddy then sadly to me. We have a two week old baby and his Dr. said it is dangerous for him to get it. We have been very careful from the begining--washed the sheets everyday, washing hands all day, keeping the boys off the sofa and away from everyone, keeping their towels in their room so no one else can accidentally touch their towels and STILL it is being spread! So I will try to get back to our normal schedule next Monday. In the meantime the kids play games, read, write in their journals and do some independant work. Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop the poison ivy from spreading?