Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Chef Wheel Bug

We have a budding chef! Almost every time I cook supper or bake cookies/pies Wheel Bug HAS to help. None of my other kids HAD to help coook at 2 and 3 years old. He has helped mke two appple pies, many batches of cookies, too many cakes to count and many other yummy foods. He loves to stir and measure ingredients. His newest venture.....creating new food concoctions. For lunch on Monday he made a pb&j with cheese sandwich! He ate the whole thing! I put up a picture of him measuring out m&ms for a batch of cookies, staring at himself in the mixing bowl, reading the recipe for supper to Mommy, rolling cookie dough in cinnamon and sugar and of course eating his pb&j with cheese sandwich! Such a sweet chef!