Stink Bug just got blasted by an air cannon! Wheel Bug in the Bubble Room
June Bug and Water Bug on a Transit Bus
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A Day At The Children's Museum
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Light class #2
In science today we talked about how a light bulb glows and did an experiment. We talked about concave and convex lenses and made our own with wax paper and water. We played "scientific term hangman," and used the scientific method to see if light curves or is straight, to see if light bounces and to see if light can be stopped. The kids had lots of fun and hopefully learned something too!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Worm Disection
June Bug did his first worm disection earlier this month. He did it with our Homeschool Group and worked with a partner. By his picture you can tell he's having a great time!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Today was our first day of "art" since having Baby Water Bug. The kids are always drawing, painting or making crafts but today was our first organized (is that the right word?) art lesson. We talked about Rembrandt and studied his masterpiece: "Man With Helmet." We added new words to our Art Word Wall--monochromatic, shade and tint. We went over correct placement of the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and neck when drawing a face. The kids then drew portaits and painted them using only one color. Stink Bug did cry over having to paint the whole paper leaving no white showing. Jitter Bug cried that he couldn't make his face like mine but quickly got over it (mine was no masterpiece!). I had to keep telling him that whatever he did was great. In the end they looked GREAT! I'm looking forward to hanging them up! Next week we will be looking at Paul Klee's "The Goldfish."
the picture up top is all that was left when the kids were done
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Horse Feet
Lightning Bug wrote a story today and I thought I would share. Enjoy!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Last week was our science class. This month we are focusing on Light. It just so happened that it was Ladybug's turn to report on a scientist and she had picked Thomas Edison-perfect! With the older group Ladybug read her report to the group and the the kids looked up more info on him, wrote the info on a piece of paper and glued it to our Edison poster. The kids then wrote their new scientific words and we went over last months words. We did an experiment using opaque, translucent and transparent objects. Next we made viewers out of yogurt cups. We painted the inside black. When the paint dried we put a pin hole in the bottom and covered the top with wax paper and secured it with a rubber band. I took the kids into the bathroom, which Dad had darkened for us, lit a candle and put the viewers base up to the flame (about 20 inches away). What did the kids see? Try it out for yourself and find out.
In the younger group the kids read the Edison poster and a book called Light by Becky Olien. They wrote their science words (they can do anything with their science words--use them as spelling words, play memory...), we talked about reflection, why the sky is blue, where rainbows come from and we went into our darkened room took a flshlight (that had foil over it with a pin hole in it) and a ball. One kid took a ball while the other held the flashlight. The kid with the ball stood at an angle fom the one with the flashlight. Then the one with the light tried to hit the ball with the light (bouncing off the mirror), then they switched roles.
Both groups had lots of fun and so did I! I posted a picture of Ladybug reading her report-she put it on a roller box!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
My oldest son, June Bug, received "Heelys" for Christmas from my parents. He was so excited and then realized they were too small (our 12 yr old is a giant with a size 10 1/2 foot ;) and when he puts his hand to mine his are an inch taller-and I have big hands...for a girl), Grammie and Grandpa sent them back and the new pair came last Friday. June Bug put them on and he looked like an expert immediately! He went to Homeschool Group wearing them and had lots of fun. That night the kids were all talking in the kitchen with Daddy and I and June Bug was just skating through us as we all talked. One of the kids stepped in front of his path, as he was coming through, just to tease him. They jumped out of the way at the last second to avoid being hit. At the same time, June Bug turned to avoid hitting them and slammed into the counter, flipped over and landed face first on the floor! We took him to the hospital and found out that he broke both bones in his left arm! He is our first kid to brake a bone! He is doing well although his arm still hurts. He is very independent and doesn't ask or take any help (except his chores :)). I find Stink Bug doing things and I'll ask him why he is doing it and he says that June Bug has a broken arm and needs my help. What a good little brother. Right now he is carrying up his brothers laundry and then he will be folding it so June Bug can go camping with the scouts. He still skates around with Heelys much to his Dad's dismay! New house rule: No Teasing Anyone While On There Heelys!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Getting Bigger!
I just wanted to post an updated picture of our sweet baby! He weighs 16 1/2 pounds and is 14 weeks old! Time flies when you are having fun!