Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

We are back!

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I'm pregnant with baby number 8 and was so sick up until October. We moved and are finally settled in and getting ready for Christmas. We have been slow with school and haven't really gotten back to our normal schedule yet. Life will get back to normal soon. We took the Sister Missionaries to the aquarium last Wednesday. It was their first time at an aquarium.

Our tree is up, the house is decorated, the cards have been sent, wrapping is almost done & Christmas candy has been delivered! We have been enjoying the Christmas seasons! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas!



Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bee Farm

I took the kids to a bee farm. A friend's parents own one and had invited us to come out. We had a cookout, swam in the lake & learned all about bees. When Stink Bug got out of the lake we noticed he had a leech on his arm!! The kids loved that! We had a great time!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm An Aunt!

I'm an Aunt! My brother and his wife just had their first baby (a girl)! he is my first sibling to have a child! Baby Charlie was born the day before Father's Day, two months early (Ladybug was two months early as well). Camille, my sis in law, is such a strong woman! She had pre-eclampsia and it was a very severe case. They ended up having the baby, by c-section, after being in the hospital a week. My brother told me that Camille's epidural (they tried 5 times) did not take and she felt most of the pain! OUCH! She is still recovering. Baby Charlie is doing well! She has been breathing room air this whole time and is able to drink milk from a bottle. She's a strong baby, like her mama! I am so proud of them! Welcome to our family and to the world, Baby Charlie!

Aunt Linz

Baby Number 8!

That's right baby number 8 is due February 18, 2009! I am only six weeks along and look huge! Last week I couldn't fit into my pants anymore and my shirts are ridiculously tight! Oh well I guess with each pregnancy I get bigger and bigger earlier. ;) I usually get sick around my seventh week so...I probably won't be blogging for awhile. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be as bad as all of the others. :) :) I am preparing for the worst, though. I triple supper, each night, and put half into the outside freezer. That way hubby can just defrost one in the fridge while he's at work and cook it when he gets home.
The kids are very excited and are eager to pick out names. We are very happy our family is getting bigger and so grateful to our Heavenly Father for blessing us with our seven sweet children!

More Camping Pictures!

A Camping We Will Go!

We took the kids camping last weekend at First Landing State Park. The first night we were there, June Bug was with his friends at another site. The second night he was with us and we focused on Dad--it was Father's Day weekend. My hubby does so much for us! He works really hard to give us vacations, food and clothing. Most importantly he loves us! He is always there when we need him and tries hard to lighten my load each day. So, for all that he does--we honored him by camping!! :)
When we arrived at the campground hubby went right to work setting up the tent. After we set up camp, we mad a fire and cooked supper. We had chicken hobo foil dinners. They took awhile to cook because we have such a large family (next time we will have two fires for cooking). The kids were so cute sitting around the fire. They started singing the Sponge Bob Square Pants campfire song -- absolutely funny! By the time we got the kids into bed it was midnight.
Saturday morning started out with eggs for breakfast and teeth brushing next to the trees (the kids thought it was so funny to brush their teeth outside). We went swimming in the bay and then came back for lunch. We ate pb&j sandwiches (except for baby and mommy -- we reheated supper from the night before over the fire) for lunch and then roasted marshmallows for dessert. After our smores we went swimming in the pool and by this time June Bug had joined us. For supper we roasted hot dogs over the fire and made smores! After supper I went to the camp store and bought a tarp (I heard it might rain). There was a car accident on the street that ran next to the camp and power line were down, so, the camp lost power. We thought, "No big deal, we're camping and don't need power." We did need the bathrooms and showers! It was interesting going the bathroom in the dark, someone always has to be with you to hold a flashlight so that you could see. We could not take a shower because there wasn't any warm water (or light). After our long potty brake (in the dark) we went for a walk down to the bay and then back to camp. I sat with the kids around the campfire singing songs and a game of flashlight tag (around the fire ahhhh), while hubby put the tarp over the tent. The kids and I had been playing for awhile when I turned and looked behind me at my husband and noticed he was working in the dark! All that time had gone by and he never complained that he couldn't see!! He never asked the kids for a flashlight! I was truly amazed by husband selfless act. We only had 7 flashlights and he did not want to take one away from any one. I am so glad he put the time to put the tarp over our 12 man tent because in the middle of the night it rained.
Sunday morning we gave Dad breakfast-sausage gravy over biscuits. After breakfast the kids sang a song they had been practicing in primary for Fathers Day and we gave dad his gifts. We then made eclairs over the campfire. After we finished eating we cleaned up camp and packed the trailer. It took us hours! Everyone was assigned a job and that made everything run smoother. When we left camp we drove to a nearby beach and went fishing. We stayed for 2 hours and then headed home.
We arrived home at 2:00 am! I am so grateful for my husband -- he loaded the trailer at home, drove both ways, set up our tent, unloaded the trailer at camp, started our fires and worked to keep it going the whole time, he also took the kids to the bathroom everytime they needed to go and always asked what he could do to help. I sure do love him!
Camping was fun! I am glad we were able to go and I look forward to next years camping trip!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June Bug is 14!

June Bug turned 14 last week! In our family that is a big deal -- well all birthday's are a big deal but 14 is special! June Bug is now a Teacher in his quorum at church, he can go on all youth trips and he can go to stake dances! In our family, birthdays # 8, 12, 16 and 19 are very special and the kids can pick to do something very special to celebrate. June Bug chose to go camping with six of his friends from back home. We took them to First Landing State Park in Virgina Beach. The boys had their own camp site, fire and food. They brought a tv with them and played Guitar Hero and watched movies. They roasted hot dogs for supper, made breakfast burritos for breakfast and ate many smores and marshmallows. They had such a good time and we enjoyed watching (from afar) them laugh and cook over the fire. I am so proud of my son! He is such a good guy! I love him to death!!! Happy Birthday, June Bug!

Saturday, June 07, 2008



Monday, April 28, 2008

Better Than "How It's Made!"

We have been going on a lot of field trips lately! The kids have been having so much fun! Last Thursday I took them to the GE (General Electric) plant. We sat for about 45 minutes in a room and listened to how they make light bulbs. We were able to see each part of the light bulb before it gets put together. Some of the parts we were able to touch. After the lecture we put on safety goggles and ear plugs. We then took a tour of the plant and saw light bulbs being put together! It was very cool! My kids faces were priceless when we walked onto the factory floor......jaws dropped and eyes big! This particular GE plant produces over 1million light bubls a day! We had so much fun and it was way better than watching How It's Made on the Discovery channel!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Wizard of Oz

Last night we took the kids to a high school to see The Wizard of Oz. Baby Water Bug was scared of the costumes but the rest of the kids loved it. I was so impressed with the teens -- they did it all on their own. They did not have any teachers or adults of any kind helping them. Everything was run by the students and they did a fantastic job! I am so glad we had the opportunity to go!

Warm Weather Is Here!

We have been waiting all winter to have nice weather where we can go out and play without freezing to death! The wind here can be really strong and it was hard for the kids to play outside longer than a half an hour. We have had over a week of mild weather, between 55-73 degrees! We love it! WE have finally turned off the heat and opened the windows! Everything is so green and we are about to cut the grass for the first time this year. I love spring!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Great Saturday!

We miss our friends back home very much! Friday night we had friends call to say that they would be in the DC area. We made plans to meet them at the Washington DC Temple Saturday afternoon. It's a two hour drive for us, so we packed a few snacks and headed out the door around 11:00 am. We only brought the two girls and the two littlest boys since they only have girls. We went to This Is The Place Bookstore first and then headed over to the temple visitors center.
I watched their two youngest girls while they (the parents) went into the temple. our friends, the Potters, have a 2mo. baby girl, an 8yr girl and a 14 yr girl. In the visitors center, we watched a movie and looked at a picture display of President Gordon B. Hinkley. It was so beautiful to see his life and work all over the walls. When their parents came out of the temple we walked over to the fountain to take pictures. The little boys were so cute!
While we were at the temple we saw a family that had moved away a few months ago and a couple that goes to our church (where we live now). Every time we go to the temple we see people (mostly that we knew a long time ago) we know! I love it!
Later we went out to eat with the Potters and then said goodbye (but not for too long--we will be visiting them next month). We had such a lovely day!

Piano Lessons

Ladybug, Stink Bug and Lightning Bug started piano lessons last Monday. This is Ladybug's second year and the other bug's first time. They all are enjoying it! In the picture you can see Stink Bug helping Lightning Bug with a problem she was having. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Pictures From Our Weekend With Friends!

News Staion Field Trip

Last week I took the children to a news station to meet the meteorologist. She gave a tour of the news room and explained what all the buttons do and showed the kids the lights (bright). She talked about how she gets her weather information and talked about all the symbols that we see on the weather maps. The kids got to go in front of the green screen and be on camera. The kids did such a good job listening...I was so proud! It was a great field trip!


Saturday our Lightning Bug chose to be baptized and become an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! We are so proud of her for making this decision! She is such a sweet daughter and a loving sister.

Friends and family drove five hours to be here for her. We had such a good time with them! Lightning Bug received her first set of scriptures, a pocket hymn book, a journal, earrings and a picture of Christ. Ladybug played I Am A Child of God on the piano. June Bug and his friend from back home played I Am A Child of God together on the guitar. June Bug's friend played a beautiful song, on the piano, while daddy and daughter got dressed. Also our friend, Sara, played the piano for us to sing to. Everyone helped to make the day perfect!

When I was in the room helping my daughter change out of her wet clothes I suddenly got sad. I realized that she is my last girl. When our last two kids get baptized they will change with their dad. When I walked out into the hall and saw my hubby waiting for us I cried. He just kissed me (and half laughed) and said honey we will have more! I smiled at that but I am not guaranteed a girl!:)

I am so grateful to our friends and family that helped out with the baptism. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that loves our family and the Lord. It was a beautiful day!


Saturday, April 05, 2008

Missing Teeth

On Wednesday I tool Jitter Bug to the dentist to get two of his teeth pulled. He had two cavities that were in between his teeth, they either needed a root canal or be pulled. We chose the easier option-pull them! From the time he walked into the dentist office to checkout it only took twenty minutes. He only had minor swelling and he wasn't in any pain. He was back to eating regular food by supper! He was a brave boy!