We have been going on a lot of field trips lately! The kids have been having so much fun! Last Thursday I took them to the GE (General Electric) plant. We sat for about 45 minutes in a room and listened to how they make light bulbs. We were able to see each part of the light bulb before it gets put together. Some of the parts we were able to touch. After the lecture we put on safety goggles and ear plugs. We then took a tour of the plant and saw light bulbs being put together! It was very cool! My kids faces were priceless when we walked onto the factory floor......jaws dropped and eyes big! This particular GE plant produces over 1million light bubls a day! We had so much fun and it was way better than watching How It's Made on the Discovery channel!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Better Than "How It's Made!"
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Wizard of Oz
Last night we took the kids to a high school to see The Wizard of Oz. Baby Water Bug was scared of the costumes but the rest of the kids loved it. I was so impressed with the teens -- they did it all on their own. They did not have any teachers or adults of any kind helping them. Everything was run by the students and they did a fantastic job! I am so glad we had the opportunity to go!
Warm Weather Is Here!
We have been waiting all winter to have nice weather where we can go out and play without freezing to death! The wind here can be really strong and it was hard for the kids to play outside longer than a half an hour. We have had over a week of mild weather, between 55-73 degrees! We love it! WE have finally turned off the heat and opened the windows! Everything is so green and we are about to cut the grass for the first time this year. I love spring!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Great Saturday!

Piano Lessons
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
News Staion Field Trip
Last week I took the children to a news station to meet the meteorologist. She gave a tour of the news room and explained what all the buttons do and showed the kids the lights (bright). She talked about how she gets her weather information and talked about all the symbols that we see on the weather maps. The kids got to go in front of the green screen and be on camera. The kids did such a good job listening...I was so proud! It was a great field trip!
Saturday our Lightning Bug chose to be baptized and become an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! We are so proud of her for making this decision! She is such a sweet daughter and a loving sister.
Friends and family drove five hours to be here for her. We had such a good time with them! Lightning Bug received her first set of scriptures, a pocket hymn book, a journal, earrings and a picture of Christ. Ladybug played I Am A Child of God on the piano. June Bug and his friend from back home played I Am A Child of God together on the guitar. June Bug's friend played a beautiful song, on the piano, while daddy and daughter got dressed. Also our friend, Sara, played the piano for us to sing to. Everyone helped to make the day perfect!
When I was in the room helping my daughter change out of her wet clothes I suddenly got sad. I realized that she is my last girl. When our last two kids get baptized they will change with their dad. When I walked out into the hall and saw my hubby waiting for us I cried. He just kissed me (and half laughed) and said honey we will have more! I smiled at that but I am not guaranteed a girl!:)
I am so grateful to our friends and family that helped out with the baptism. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that loves our family and the Lord. It was a beautiful day!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Missing Teeth
On Wednesday I tool Jitter Bug to the dentist to get two of his teeth pulled. He had two cavities that were in between his teeth, they either needed a root canal or be pulled. We chose the easier option-pull them! From the time he walked into the dentist office to checkout it only took twenty minutes. He only had minor swelling and he wasn't in any pain. He was back to eating regular food by supper! He was a brave boy!