Monday, July 03, 2006

Off To Camp

This has been a hard couple days for me because we sent our oldest son off to Boy Scout Camp for a week. We dropped him off on Saturday with friends, who were driving the scouts there, around 2:00 and he won't be back until late Friday night. I miss him so much! So do the kids--just a few minutes ago the kids were looking out their bedroom window watching fireworks a street over and Lightning Bug said, "I wish June Bug was here!" I had not even thought about him since supper (wondering if he was getting enough to eat) and I was quick brought back to reality that he was missing this nice family moment with all seven of us on one bed looking out the window. I asked my husband Saturday night what time do they let the boys call home and he told me that they don't call home! WHAT! I asked how will we know that he's okay and my sweet husband just said he'll be okay. He signed up to do a lot of merit badges: small boating, woodcarving, archery, archaeology, wilderness survival and space exploration. I am sure he's having lots of fun! This is the first time he has been away from home--I am hanging in there! I will share his whole week when he comes home! Happy 4th of July!

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