I have been trying to feed Water Bug since he was 4 months old (when all my other kids ate). He refused so I did not try again until he was 6 months-which he refused again. I strictly nurse my babies (no water, juice, pacifier or bottle ) until they are 8-9 months but I have always gave them food around 4 months. Not my last one -- he wants to nurse and nothing else! That's fine with me, he is such a chunk! I would like him to start trying to eat cereal or fruit so that when we are on the road (and we are always on the road visiting family) he can have a snack in his seat and maybe he'll be happier. Anyway, I found this pacifier looking thing (I can't remember what it's called) that you open and put fruit in and he won't get chunks of food just the juice. Here is a picture of him trying fruit. So cute!
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