Friday, September 07, 2007

Ten Reasons Why I Love To Homeschool!

  1. When the school bus drives by my kids are still sleeping peacefully!
  2. I get to see the expression on my child's face when he makes a circuit and the light bulb glows in Science class!
  3. I get to cuddle in the middle of Math!
  4. We get the library to ourselves because everyone is in school!
  5. When my child has a bad day, I know why and don't have to try to pry it out of them.
  6. Did I mention we get to sleep past the time the bus comes?!
  7. We can "do" school in our PJs!
  8. The museums are empty because everyone is in school!
  9. I can teach my children what I want them to know and what I think is important!
  10. Because of the hugs and kisses I get all day long!
  11. Because there has never been or ever will be any school shootings at our school!

Oh was that 10.

The list could go on!

My pregnancies were very hard -- bed rest, going into labor early, leaving 4 kids in the hospital because they were premature, vomiting all or most of my pregnancies --all day, dehydration and more! I did not go through all that just to have them leave at 5 years old! I love my kids and no one knows them like I do! I am so grateful that we are able to do school at home. I am thankful for friends and family who support me! We will start our school in a week. We have been packing way too long and are looking forward to school!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome reasons, and I know you have more! :-)