Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Chef Wheel Bug

We have a budding chef! Almost every time I cook supper or bake cookies/pies Wheel Bug HAS to help. None of my other kids HAD to help coook at 2 and 3 years old. He has helped mke two appple pies, many batches of cookies, too many cakes to count and many other yummy foods. He loves to stir and measure ingredients. His newest venture.....creating new food concoctions. For lunch on Monday he made a pb&j with cheese sandwich! He ate the whole thing! I put up a picture of him measuring out m&ms for a batch of cookies, staring at himself in the mixing bowl, reading the recipe for supper to Mommy, rolling cookie dough in cinnamon and sugar and of course eating his pb&j with cheese sandwich! Such a sweet chef!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Ladybug was a Skeleton, Stink Bug was an Evil Jester, Lightning Bug was a Vampire, Jitter Bug was a Zombie and Wheel Bug was a Chicken. June Bug thought that he was too old to trick or treat so he stayed home and handed out candy.

Ladybug made ghost cupcakes (from scratch) all by herself for Halloween. She shared some with friends and her brothers and sister.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Poison Ivy

We have not quite gotten back into our routine yet. I was planning on getting back into our "real" school work (sitting down at the table school work) on Monday but the boys got poison ivy. Yeah I know that does not sound like a big deal but it is spreading throughout the house. First June Bug got it then passed it to Stink Bug then on to Daddy then sadly to me. We have a two week old baby and his Dr. said it is dangerous for him to get it. We have been very careful from the begining--washed the sheets everyday, washing hands all day, keeping the boys off the sofa and away from everyone, keeping their towels in their room so no one else can accidentally touch their towels and STILL it is being spread! So I will try to get back to our normal schedule next Monday. In the meantime the kids play games, read, write in their journals and do some independant work. Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop the poison ivy from spreading?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

He's Here!

That's right--we had a baby boy! I had him October 4th. He is such a good baby (he is asleep in my arms while I'm typing this) and the kids are all so happy and helpful. Blogging will be less for awhile as we try to get back into our routine. Here is a picture of him--oh no bug name yet.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Getting Ready For Baby

Wheel Bug helped Mom and Ladybug put the baby's clothes away into drawers! It won't be too long now!


Tuesday was Young Einstein Club again. For the older group we finished making our electroboards, discussed our scientific terms they had defined over the last week and a half, listened to an older child talk about the water cycle and then we made a barometer. To make the barometer we used a large (cleaned out) fruit can with cling wrap stretched over the top and secured with a rubber band. We put a straight pin through the end of a straw and taped it to the top of the can so that the pin end is hanging about 1/3 over the edge. The kids will be checking their barometer 3 times a day for a week.
With the younger group, we made rain gauges. We made them out of soda bottles and put markings up the side as measurments. We wrote some science words in their notebooks, listened to the same girl talk about the water cycle and then we made a cloud in a bottle. To make a cloud in a bottle we took an empty jar and filled it to the the top with hot water and put the lid back on and left it for 2 minutes. Them we removed the lid, poured 90% of the water out and put on a lid that was to big and that we had punched holes in. We put some ice cubes on top and let that sit for 3 minutes. After the time was up we removed the lid and ice and sprinkled chalk dust into the jar and reclosed the jar with the tight fitting lid (for 2 minutes). After the 2 minutes were up we looked at the jar at eye level and saw a cloud (it almost looked like fog). The kids had a lot of fun. When we were done with the experiment we talked about thermometers and how they work. We will not be having science class for another 4 weeks because of our baby that is about to be born! Try making a cloud in a jar--happy experimenting!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

2 Wheeler

Last night the kids came running in from outside saying, Lightning Bug is riding the neighbors 2 wheeler! We ran outside to see her riding along like she has been doing it the whole summer. Last winter she tried to teach herself in our front yard on a broken bike! She was given a new bike for Christmas and Dad put her traing wheels on so that's how she has been riding--til last night. Today Dad will be taking off her training wheels and she is so excited!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Farm Pictures

Wheel Bug Turned 3!!!

My sweet baby boy turned 3 today! He loves animals so our day was all about animals! In the morning he ate Eggo brand waffles in the shape of a zebra and elephant. We then made animal cookies. After lunch we went to the pet a pet farm. He was not thrilled with the goats (because they jumped on Daddy to get food), nor the chickens (because they pecked Jitter Bug's hand when he fed them), or the llams (because they stuck out their tounge as they ate food off Daddy's hand) otherwise he had a good time! He played on the playground and then he ate his animal cookies he had made with mom. When we left he asked dad if we were going to another farm to see the elephants! I felt bad since it was my decision not to got to the zoo (it was so much cheaper to go to the farm). When we came home Wheel Bug and I made his birthday cake. This was a big deal for him--he rarely helps mommy cook! Some kids thought it wasn't fair since they are not aloud to see their cake until we sing Happy Birthday. After we made the cake we went on our second walk for the day then had supper. After supper we opened up the gifts and had cake. He was so happy with his gifts -- more animals, a pirate ship, two knights with horses and a Buzz Lightyear action figure that talks and shoots missiles. When he went to bed he said, "Good night presents!" He then took the ship upstairs to sleep with! Time flies by so fast, he is such a big boy! Happy Birthday to Wheel Bug!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Static Electricity

Stink Bug and Ladybug did a science experiment today. They took two balloons-tied them together with a long string, rubbed them on a blanket, stood up tall and held them up by the string. They wanted to see what would happen. The balloons moved away from each other. When they put a peice of paper in between them they moved back together. They did this a couple of times and really had fun with the balloons. Quick and easy science experiment and it went perfectly with the scientist we are studying, Ben Franklin.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Young Einstein Club

This year I will be teaching a science class. The class will be held every other Tuesday. I will be teaching two classes-one for 9 years and older and another ages 5 to 8. Stink Bug, who is 7, will be with the older group because he is at the same level as the other kids in the older group and he would not benefit from participating with the younger group. While I have the older group a friend will be teaching writing to the younger group then we switch.
For the older kids we will rotate each month reporting on a famous scientist. This month was Stink Bug's turn, he reported on Benjamin Franklin. At group he read his report then I passed out books on Ben Franklin. Each child looked through the book and found something that interested them--they wrote the fact on a small piece of paper and glued it to our poster of Ben F. We then talked about clouds and the many different types there are. After we talked about them we started making our electroboards. The electroboard on one side has pictures of all the different types of clouds and on the other their definitions. We did not get them finished--and I had not planned on finishing them. I handed out their homework which was ten scientific terms, a cloud word search and an experiment to do at home. Then we switched!
For the younger group---we went over the poster the older kids made, talked about clouds, read a cloud book and wrote down five science words that we had talked about. For us at home those words are for handwriting practice/spelling words. After we went over the homework-a picture to color of Ben F., a weather graph to keep track of the weather and a cloud graph to keep track of the types of clouds they see. We then made a weather vane. We made them out of yogurt cups and it was really easy! The kids had a great time getting together with friends to learn and do projects with.

Our First Week

Well, we got done with our first full week of school! Boy am I tired!! Monday we focused on music and went to the library. On Tuseday we did math. Stink Bug worked on division, Ladybug did fractions, Lightning Bug did word problems (her first time reading them on her own:)), June Bug did his Saxon math and Jitter Bug practiced writing his numbers and doing simple addition. We went over where we had left off in history last year (next week we will start our first chapter of history). We wrote with quill pens and talked about how the monks made paper. We read more of Redwall and then had lunch. The kids then played outside while I prepard for science class (aka Young Einstein Club). The kids then switched off going to writing and science class. We finished the day at 4:00. We then went to our friends house (who teaches the writing class) to let the kids play and the moms chat about how the classes went.
Wednesday we did math, read a book on George Washington and each child took a turn writing an interesting fact about him and put it on our poster. Each kid worked on their science and writing homework. We also read Redwall. In the afternoon friends took me to a place called Super Suppers and made me six dinners to put in the freezer for when I have the baby! We had lots of fun!
June Bug (if you were wondering what he was doing all this time) was off on his own doing his own work (more to come).
Thursday we did math then each kid did their science, writing, and read on their own about Washington and added more facts to the poster. We also read Redwall. Lightning Bug and I went over more words for her word wall--she's doing great! Jitter Bug also drew a weather mural.
Friday we would normally do lighter school work and focus on an artist and do some sort of project but not this week. June Bug was supposed to have had his report done on Rembrant to kick off our artist and project but, with his new schedule he had not quite figured out how to manage his time with the amount of work he had. That was okay (this time), we just did what we had been doing all week-except we finished a little early. June Bug then went off with our homeschool group. He had a writing class, a timeline class (they are making a timeline from the begining of time to now that includes famous people and things that are impotant to them) and a study skills/time management/ memorization/how to read a book class. He really needs that class and I was proud of him when he chose to take it.
Each day we finished by noon, had lunch and the kids played outside. We also read a lot (not just Redwall-which is sooo good), together and on their own. We also had soccer three days this week and had friends play over two days (not including science class).
What a busy week we have had. Everything went well. We had some meltdowns but for the most part everyone did great. I hope we can keep a very similar pace when the baby comes!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

First Soccer Game Of The Season!

Stink Bug and Lightning Bug had their first soccer games this morning! They both did really well! Stink Bug did such a good job defending his teams goal and scored a few of his own! One time he did such a good job fighting off the other team as he dribbled down the field to make his goal that it made me CRY! He was so proud of himself- -he held his chest (he was so tired from the battle over the ball) and smiled all the way back to his side of the field. Lightning Bug did a great job keeping the ball on her side of the field and had many assists! Dad and I enjoyed watching the kids play and laughed a lot at the cute things the kids do on the field!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Baby Blanket

Ladybug and I made the blanket for the baby today, who we are expecting very soon!

Monday, September 11, 2006

First Day of School!

We officially started school today! Our morning went really well. This year our Monday is dedicated to Music! We started off with our morning devotional (as we do everyday) then we talked about George Frideric Handel. We listened to some of his music and then made musical notes and glued his face onto them. We then added his note to our huge staph on the wall. June Bug seperated from us and went off to work on his own while we continued our reading of Redwall. At 11:00 Ladybug's piano teacher came. She practiced for a half an hour while we entertained the teachers baby. When the lesson was over Ladybug taught us all what she had learned and each child took a turn sitting at the piano with sister. When everyone had had their turn Ladybug went off to do some book work her piano teacher had given her and the other three kids and I read (Wheel Bug was off with Daddy for the morning:) ). At noon we stopped for some outside time. We are about to eat lunch and then head off to the library. So far it has been a great start!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

House or Hotel?

Kids say the funniest things! Lightning Bug built a "house" out of styrofoam blocks (at the children's museum), when Ladybug noticed she said, "Can I build a room for me in your house?" Lightning Bug replied, "Ladybug, this isn't a HOTEL you know!" I laughed so hard I almost fell off the bench! Sometimes I feel like saying that or saying that this is not a restaurant. I'm sure we have all felt like that at some point!

School Starts

For everyone BUT us! As the bus went by this morning picking up kids mine were sleeping! I decided today will be our Fun DAY! We are going to go to the Children's Museum and possibly another museum (depends on how long they want to stay). The museum should be empty since school just started today. We officially start next Monday. I am looking forward to getting back into our routine.

Labor Day Pictures!

Here are some pictures of what we did this Labor Day weekend. When you look at the picture of the ocean, notice the blue line in the backround (behind Jitter and Lightning Bug). Those are waves! Creepy-normaly they just start a little off shore. Our guess is that it is because of the tropical storm (hurricane Ernesto). That fish is called a Paddlefish and dates back to the dinosaurs. The kids thought that was cool! Wheel Bug watched a short video over and over and over of a hippo spreading his poop. I never even heard why they do that.?! Wheel Bug just loves animals and after he was done watching the video he got on all fours and opened his mouth and said he was a hippo. Too cute! Hope you had a great weekend!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Wheel Bug's Art

Last night Wheel Bug drew his first PERSON! It is a big deal! Usually he draws circles and lines so when he drew a head with eyes, nose, mouth, legs, feet, arms and hands I had to take a picture. He also added a hat (that is what the lines over his head are :) ). I hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Our summer has been very busy! We have had friends and family visit us several times. My parents just left after being here a week. We have gone to the water park more times than I can count, we've done the beach, been to a few picnics, gone on tons of walks, played with friends, jumped in the sprinkler, played at the park, visited museums, picked peaches, gone to a soccer game and much much more! I am ready to get back into our normal routine!!! Starting September 1st there will be NO more tv, game cube and computer! We will officially start "school" Sep. 12th. The public schools start on the 5th so we can enjoy the museums all to ourselves. We have a few new things that we will be doing this year (another day I'll share). I am still trying to plan out the year and I hope to be finished next week. Well I am off to make some strawberry milk for Wheel Bug who is trying to be patient! Happy end of summer!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Winter In August

All day long Wheel Bug has been wearing his snow clothes. We had company over this evening and boy were they suprised when a little snow bunny answered the door! Where are you going they asked---to see Santa he said!!! Right when it was time to go to bed he wanted Daddy to get his boots on too. Dad played along and got his gloves, hat, jacket and boots on. Everytime Dad got on something (like his jacket) Wheel Bug would say, "Dad you need your_______on" (fill in the blank with gloves, boots ect.). They were so cute I had to take a picture!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Oil Change Lesson

Dad is giving June Bug and Ladybug a lesson on how to change the oil in our car. This was Ladybug's first time and she was excited! In our family when the kids turn 9 they start working on their Life Skills. Life Skills covers a large area from making my Grandmother's Carrot Cake, changing the filter for the furnace to sewing on a button. The kids have to be able to master the skill before they leave home. The kids (over 9) are always excited to work on another skill. Linz

Our First Tomato!

Our first tomato has been picked! Everyone was excited (even the ones who don't like tomatoes)! We planted late this year but everything seems to be coming along great-if I can keep the rabbits out:)!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Last Thursday June Bug (who thinks he's too old), Ladybug and Stink Bug went to an activity called Pirates. They did activities all around pirates. The two younger ones said they had a good time! A good friend of mine had a Pirate Party on Friday night! The kids wore bandanas and eye patches to the party. We ate like pirates, played a pirate game, went on a treasure hunt and everyone got a pirate name. The kids all had a great time!


My parents came for a visit last week. The kids (and us too) had a great time! They played many games while they were here--Sorry!, Monopoly and a card game called Murder Your Neighbor (a family tradition). My Mom and I decided it was time my two oldest knew how to play, and they did well. We went out to eat twice while they were here--a big deal for our family! Grandpa and June Bug worked on Home Projects that needed to be done. Grammie and I took the kids on a ferry ride-our van even got a ride. :) We went to the beach one day and had a great time getting Grammie soaked! One evening we went fishing and caught 19 fish! Some fell off the hook and most we threw back. We had a great time with Grammie and Grandpa and are looking forward to their next visit!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Funny Fish!

Have you ever seen a such a funny fish?! This guy makes me laugh every time we go to the aquarium. If you look close you can see that he has teeth and he has a look that just screams, DUH and I'm SO confused! Are you laughing yet?

Peach Picking

My hubby and I took the kids, plus two friends, peach picking last Saturday. We went to the same place where we pick our apples in September. It was our first time picking peaches and we had fun! We picked about 30lb.--and I still wanted more! I canned the peaches and got ten quart size jars and four pint size jars (those pints are for some friends). I can't wait til next year when we can do some more!