Thursday, March 27, 2008

Giant Field Trip!

Today I took the kids on a field trip to Giant. We took a tour to every department in the store and talked about the different food groups. We sampled food and got to touch a lobster. At the end of the tour our guide gave each kid a bag of healthy snacks, which mine devoured on the way home. The kids had a good time and met some new kids!

Bug Hunting!

Yesterday was a beautiful day! The kids enjoyed playing outside in the yard, riding on toys and looking for bugs! It has been hard keeping long pants and shoes (we are barefoot kind of people) on the kids this winter.........we are used to very mild winters. We are very excited for spring!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sink or Float Lesson

Our science topic for this month is "Sink or Float." Today we watched a video on then they split into groups to do an experiment. I gave them a sink or float record sheet then asked them to sort out the items, I had gathered, onto wax paper that said sink on one and float on the other. After they recorded all the items on the paper they tested each item in the water. If it sank they recorded it and why then they did the same if it floated. It was a fun activity and we always love watching the Brain Pop videos. I have a few more experiments planned for the next few weeks so keep an eye out for those.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!


I had to laugh today at little Water Bug! He was running around the house saying, "GO!!" Talk about baby imitating Mommy! I feel like I am always saying "GO!" When we are getting our teeth brushed-GO!, when we are sharpening our pencils-GO!, when we are getting into the car-GO!, as we are walking into the store/church (anywhere)-GO!, when we are going to bed-GO! Don't I say "go" a lot! It's not like I am yelling go or that I say it sharply I'm simply just saying "go." When we are brushing teeth there are a lot of teeth to be brushed and if we don't hurry I'll loose someone, when one needs to sharpen their pencil all of a sudden everyone wants to and it interrupts school, there is always a line of kids waiting to get into the car through the one door and again I'll loose somebody to the yard or basketball hoop! Not to mention there are seven kids to get from here and there and someone always forgets something once we are in the car and now we are running late and I'm saying "GO" again to get into church or wherever we are going. And bedtime do I have to explain myself there?! So, maybe I do need to stop saying "go" so much if now the baby says it. ;) I love my life and I love my sweet children!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Last week we celebrated Dad's birthday! He started the day off with a trip to the dentist! Weeee what fun! He returned home to eat waffles and then it was off to work. I sent him to work with a few yummy treats ........ homemade caramel corn and cookies. My sister and his mom surprised him at work with gifts! When he arrived home we sang happy birthday and then we were off to cub/boy scouts. While I was with the cubs and he was with the boy scouts, Lady Bug and the others decorated a room where we were going to open presents. He did not know that we had brought his gifts to the church and he was very surprised by all the decorations! After we put the kids to bed he and I ate supper that we had picked up on the way home. Later that week we were able to leave the kids with his mom and go to the movies. The last time we had seen a movie (w/o kids) was last August (and before that May of 2006) !! We enjoyed ourselves very much!
I am so grateful for my husband! He works so hard for our family and is always there when we need him! He is a great dad, my biggest fan and my best friend! Happy Birthday!

Jitter Bug Is 7!

Happy Birthday Jitter Bug! Jitter Bug turned 7 this week! He requested cinnamon rolls for breakfast and spaghetti for supper. We went and saw Horton Hears a Who with some friends. After the movie we surprised him by telling him that his friend was coming home with us for his first ever sleep-over! Jitter Bug was very excited! My mom had called and invited us to go eat pizza and bowling so Jitter Bug was surprised once again! We ended the day with sleeping bags in front of the tv to watch Enchanted (great movie). He had a very fun busy day!

DC Field Trip Pictures

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Big Kids Only!

Last Friday I took the older three kids to Washington DC. We hopped on the metro at 9:40 and arrived at our stop at 10:20. I was very nervous to get on the metro without my husband -- I had never done it before by myself. June Bug was great! When we went to the machines to purchase our ticket I stood there starring at the directions, stops and cost to ride (why do we have to figure out how much we want on our ticket why can't you just put in where you want to go and then it just spits it out?). While I was looking, June Bug says, "Mom it's easy!" He the proceeded to tell me how much we want and how to use the machine! Just like his Dad I thought! He was so smart and he has only been on the metro one time since he was 5 years old! My hubby met us and we enjoyed the train ride together. It was nice being with just the big kids. We didn't have to worry about kids staying in their seats or running around. It was nice giving the big kids some attention and going on a field trip that was just for them.

When we arrived in DC we walked straight to the Library of Congress where we were meeting a homeschool group from Maryland. We took the tour instead of walking around on our own. I highly recommend the tour because they explain what all the symbols mean and give you so much history and information on the building. After the Library of Congress we walked to the Supreme Courthouse. We had lunch and then said goodbye to Dad because he had to get back to work. I loved that he made time to come with us! The kids and I then got in line with our homeschool group to hear a lecture given in the actual court room. Again great lecture! The room was beautiful! After the lecture was done we visited the gift shop and then headed back to the metro.

The weather was perfect. DC was blooming and beautiful. My kids were wonderful. It was a great day!