Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Saturday our Lightning Bug chose to be baptized and become an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! We are so proud of her for making this decision! She is such a sweet daughter and a loving sister.

Friends and family drove five hours to be here for her. We had such a good time with them! Lightning Bug received her first set of scriptures, a pocket hymn book, a journal, earrings and a picture of Christ. Ladybug played I Am A Child of God on the piano. June Bug and his friend from back home played I Am A Child of God together on the guitar. June Bug's friend played a beautiful song, on the piano, while daddy and daughter got dressed. Also our friend, Sara, played the piano for us to sing to. Everyone helped to make the day perfect!

When I was in the room helping my daughter change out of her wet clothes I suddenly got sad. I realized that she is my last girl. When our last two kids get baptized they will change with their dad. When I walked out into the hall and saw my hubby waiting for us I cried. He just kissed me (and half laughed) and said honey we will have more! I smiled at that but I am not guaranteed a girl!:)

I am so grateful to our friends and family that helped out with the baptism. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that loves our family and the Lord. It was a beautiful day!


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