Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Experimenting With Plants And Soil

Every summer I produce a calendar of activities for the kids. Each day there would be an activity they would have to do. This summer I decided that we were going to read all summer and play a game together each day. We read everyday regardless but this summer I plan to have them choose a subject and then we are going to read all about it and if an activity presents itself we'll do it!

We started this plan yesterday. It went GREAT! Our reading lasted about an hour and a half. During that time I had a chance to go over some things we had learned throughout the year. We read about plants and soil. When we had finished we thought we might do a couple of experiments. First we took a jar and filled it 1/3 of the way with dirt--Math. We added water to the top then shook it. We then put it on our counter and we are letting it settle for 24hrs. We hope to see what kind of soil we have; heavy, light or a mixture. For our next experiment we took a pan and filled it with dirt, planted some grass seeds and watered it. After a week in the sun we will cover half of the pan with cardboard. We each made a hypothesis of what we thought might happen to the grass under the cardboard. The activities ran smoothly. Each child had a job and felt good about his/her role. There was no arguing (in fact there wasn't any the whole day!) and everyone pitched in to clean up when we were done. I think from start to finish "school" took 1hr 45min! What an awesome way to kick off our summer!


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