Friday, July 13, 2007

He's Back!

June Bug has had a busy month! He went and visited grandparents for a week, stayed with a friend for a week, went to scout camp for a week, went out of town with dad and stayed with a cousin for a week and tonight he is staying over with some friends and going to see Harry Potter! What a month!! When he stayed over at a friends house they worked on the friends Eagle Scout Project. They built a bridge at a state park. He had a lot of fun and got very tan! He had a awesome time at scout camp working on merit badges and swimming! His favorite merit badge was Shot Gun Shooting. He always loves the food at camp -- he says they have tons of food and it's hot! While at his cousins house last week, they rode an ATV, swam, played the WII, rode go-karts, picked black berries and so much more!

We missed him so much and the house was not the same! He needed it! It was a great opportunity for him to stretch his wings. He came back more mature (he has always been very mature for his age) and very easy going. I am glad he had a great time and so excited to have him home!


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