Friday, February 17, 2006

Number 7 On The Way!

For all of you that don't know yet we are expecting with baby number seven! That's right you heard me baby number seven is due in the beginning of October! We told the kids last night and they woke up being so helpful. The older ones remember how sick I get and where very sweet saying, "How are you feeling?" and "Can I get you something?" They are going to be such a great help to me during the next seven months. My hubby stepped right up and started taking over everything (breakfast, supper, cleaning-with the help of six little helpers, laundry ect..) and just being so sweet--well he is already sweet but, you get the idea. For those of you who don't know me or don't remember I have very hard pregnancies. I am very sick the whole pregnancy (vomiting anywhere from 6-12 times a day), I start contracting at three months, I am usually in and out of the hospital cause of dehydration and to top it all off my babies come early (4 out of 6 had to stay in the hospital after birth--one stayed a month!)! I'll be okay because I have such a good support team! If you are one of those many people who say, why do you do it to yourself? I'll say this I (we) don't look at those 9 months (it's really 7-8 mo.) of discomfort we look at what we get in the end......a beautiful baby-another little person to add to our family. My husband and I are so happy and are so very blessed with such wonderful loving children. We are so thankful to Heavenly Father for our family and friends and all of their love and support.
If my posts are slow I hope you forgive me, I will try my best it will just depend on the day.

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