Thursday, September 13, 2007

Successful Week!

We had a great first week of school! On Monday night someone from my church called and said that they would pick up June Bug for me (at 5:30am) for early morning seminary! WOW! It has been so nice not having to wake the kids at 5:00 am to take June Bug to class.

We have started each day with morning devotional -- song, prayer lesson/story from the scriptures and reciting the Articles of Faith.
Monday - our lesson was on Joseph and Potiphar's Wife and we discussed how we can be obedient
Tuesday - reviewed Monday's lesson and talked about how we can avoid temptation
Wednesday - read out of the Book of Moses and worked on memorizing a verse
Thursday - talked about men around us who are good examples of Fathers/Husbands, for the boys; what qualities do they see in them that they would like to develop, girls; what do they see in them that they would like in a future husband and how boys/men should treat girls/women

Each day we did math, grammar/writing and read. We also did history, geography (Arizona) and science. We played games, typed on the computer, looked up information on the web, went to the library, made bread, brainstormed ideas about projects they would like to do,wrote letters and used white out for the first time (and they thought that was COOL!). I thought we had a very successful week! The tv, game cube and computer play times were limited this week to an hour and half each day -- a very nice change from the summer. The kids have all been to bed on time and asleep on time:). I am looking forward to next week!

Well, I am off to go pack for a weekend at my Mom and Dad's.

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